Sunday, September 21, 2008

Macy's Passport 2008

Sent on a mission from my mother to spot celebrities, this week has been more than exciting. The Macy's Passport show is a fundraiser for HIV/AIDs organizations that serve our community. CHEER SF was invited to perform before the infamous male underwear segment. The idea was to have cheerleaders, like during a football game, then it would transition into the locker room. Having 2 different rehearsals and 3 performances, we got to be around models and different dance groups way too much. Some of the celebs and performers I got to meet/see were Cedric and Alex Da Silva, from So You Think You Can Dance, the Jabbawockies, models from Project Runway, Adrian Young, the drummer from No Doubt, Dame Edna, Tommy Hilfiger, and Christian Audigier, the designer for Ed Hardy. I was totally star struck and felt like a complete dork asking people to take a picture with me.

p.s. yes that is a sweet lightning bolt headband that I made...

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