Monday, January 17, 2011

It has been 632 days since my last post (being completely honest, when I started this post this number was at I need to get my act together). It definitely doesn't do anything for my trustworthy factor that in said last post I stated that was going to "better myself through the blog".

But here we are.

A lot has changed since April 2009. I now live in Clearwater (soon to be South Tampa in the next few weeks), I work for Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort & Spa as a Sales Systems Admin, David and I are about to celebrate 3 yrs together, David is in his second semester of his Masters of Architecture program at USF (and doing AMAZING, so proud of him!), and my new year's resolution (as this seems to be the perfect place to proclaim such things) are as follows:

  • Always have a project on the side. When someone asks you waht you are doing, no one wants to answer, 'oh,...umm, I'm working at......and that's about it....', NO THANK YOU! I am a creative person and have always had little projects going on and have lost touch with that side in this past year. I have designed and sewn my own clothes, created little pieces of art for friends as well as my own walls, and have always seen things as 'i could make that.' I have an admitted obsession with all things interior design and am about to turn up the heat in that department. David and I are moving into a house in South Tampa in less than 2 wks and I am beyond excited. Though we are renting, I just can't wait to get my hands on this place and make it our own. David will be the landscaper as we have a huge backyard and the house could use a little curb appeal. I get the inside and have BIG plans for it. I plan to use this blog as my outlet of expression for all of my little DIY projects.
  • Take more pictures. I think the absence of Jocelyn in my daily life has left me picture- less over the last year. I try. I really do. But she's always the one to have the camera out all the time and capturing every little moment. She turns every photo into something interesting and fun, even if it was only a picture of you legs. David recently acquired a few nice cameras and is a pro at Photoshop and I need to get on the ball. He's taught me a few things in there but when I grab the mouse things don't seem to work the same way, hmmm. Documenting my little projects and our fun outings together will be my first goal. Besides, I can't keep anyone's interest just with my writing, even if it is close to brilliant (joke).
  • Get in the best shape of my life. I know a lot of people have the typical "Lose Weight" on the New Year's resolutions, but this is different (ok maybe not). I just want to tone up and perhaps (I might be a little too ambitious with this one....) run a half marathon. I want to feel great all the time and have loads of energy. By cutting out the junk and working out 4-5 times a wk, I think I can get there.
  • Small Adventures. With David being in school about 80 hrs a wkm things tend to be a little quiet at home. I think that going out on small adventures (paddle boarding, discovering a new coffe shop, etc.) alone or with a friend is a great way to discover new things about the world as well as myself.

Ach Liebe is the best outlet for most of the things on my resoltions list and hopefully by writing them down and putting them out in the world it will make me stick to them.

1 comment:

Suburbs of Utopia said...

oh. emm. gee. this just made my heart explode from twelve kinds of swooning. love this!!! =) cannot wait for your D.I.Y.s + getting to see your daily life thru photogs!! yaaay!

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