Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Keeping it Cool

There were a few things in the house that needed updating.  Mind you, we are renting and do not have a bottomless account to fund out projects but we make do. 

Thinking only of the environment of course and not about the boatloads of cash we could save {obviously}, I thought it was definitely a MUST to replace the old outdated thermostat.

Here is the money-sucker-mother-earth-killer thermostat that came with the house:

Since this was my idea of a good time on a Saturday night, David left this all up to me {just not when it came down to actually doing anything that involved electric, that's where David took over}.  We turned off the electric at the breaker that controlled the AC unit {read: G-G-G Unit} and David tested it with his electric-tester-with-a-light-bulb thingy.  And yes that is its technical term and please don't ask me where you can get one {ask a guy at Lowe's}.

I read up on the instructions earlier so I could supervise the entire project.  I told David to undo all the wire and label them with the little stickers that came with the new unit so we could easily reattach them.  You can see them in the picture below.

He took out the two screws that held it in place {I could've done that but relinquished all tools over to the man}, being very careful of the Mercury.

David reattached the screws and then hooked up all the little wires to the corresponding little screws. 
TA-DA! And it works!  I programed it so it has four different settings that depend on time of day and what day of the week it is.  I foresee this little guy saving us quite a few dollars so we can maybe get a little puppy dog in the near future {wink wink nudge nudge papa bear}.
It's so pretty and I love that I am the only one who knows how to work it {muahahaha}.  For only $30 at Lowe's, I am sure this guy is going to save us at least double that.  Sometimes it pays to be good to Mother Earth.

David your welcome too.
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