Monday, March 21, 2011

Paint, Paint, Painting Avay

Sung to the tune of 'Roll-roll-roll in ze hay' {Young Frankstein, LOVE that movie}

One of the more massive undertakings over here at the casa, has been painting.  When we moved I knew one of the first things that needed to be done were the walls.  Some were painted back to white {which made the place feel cleaner} and some were left alone {with terrible, horrific, god-awful paint jobs}.  The living room and David's office were so uneven, it was laughable.  And the bathroom was a light powdery blue {yum...}.  I, all by my lonesome, painted the living room on a gorgeous Saturday.  Everything from the trim work to the 9 ft walls and the edging around the ceiling.  It took 8 hours, but I finished and even managed to muster up enough energy to go out to dinner and play a rousing game of Balderdash {side note: Best Game of LIFE and I am still currently undefeated, any takers?}.

Here are the tools I used:
3 Gallons of Paint {trim, living room, and the bathroom}
Frog tape
Paint tray liner
Edge pads {for the ceiling}
A small roller {detail work}
And stir sticks
{Not pictured above: a marvelous angled Edger Brush, didn't even have to use the Frog tape}

I turned on some Katy Perry and went to town, turning an embarrassing ugly, uneven camel colored living room into a warm and cozy living room.

The color wasn't terrible but so uneven.
You can kinda see it in this picture.  David and Jocelyn can vouch for how bad it was.

One coat of paint and it was instantly better! So much easier than when we painted the apartment {the walls are smooth here and the apt had texture like you wouldn't believe}.

I love that it acts as a neutral and looks great with the floor and our existing furniture.
{please don't try to guess what's on our television, I tend to watch terrible t.v.}

I finished both bathrooms during a few nights after work, again by myself.  I am so happy its done as it looks loads better.

Its so hard to get a good picture of our bathrooms.  But it's more brown and a little lighter than the living room.  These pictures make it look like their the same color. 
I even painted the cabinet {it definitely needed it}

I couldn't get any pictures at the master {ha. that's funny} bathroom, as there is a mattress in the way.  More to come on that project and a few others later this week.

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